Houghton Hyatt Realtor

2013 SBIFF Writers Panel

SBIFF’s It Starts With The Script panel features top writers who “lift the lid” on screenwriting and their journey to the big screen. Moderated by IndieWIRE’s Anne Thompson, this ever-popular panel features: Mark Boal (Zero Dark Thirty), Stephen Chbosky (The Perks of Being A Wallflower), Roman Coppola, (Moonrise Kingdom), John Gatins (Flight), Rian Johnson (Looper) and David Magee (Life of Pi).

'Zero Dark Thirty' | Trailer - Writer Mark Boal

'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' | Trailer - Writer Stephen Chbosky

'Moonrise Kingdom' | Trailer - Writer Roman Coppola

'Flight' | Trailer - Writer John Gatins

'Looper' | Trailer - Writer Rian Johnson

'Life of Pi' | Trailer - Writer David Magee

Posted by Ben Hyatt

Santa Barbara based Ben Hyatt is founder of SantaBarbarians and gets to write about whatever interests him as a result. Interests include business, technology, film and anything community related.

Houghton Hyatt Realtor